
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mad Ad

Perfection: an ideal? Passion for perfection could be both an asset and liability. It's great that red gardenia as wedding decorator, strives for perfection all the time. Yet, considering limitations of time, resources, etc sometimes we need to settle for (near) perfection. Of course we improve continuously.

Passion for perfection is shared by many in our field of Bali wedding industry. In our first advertisement publication we collaborate with Eddie, Mata Photography. Another believer in passion for perfection, a dedicated photographer in our world of Bali wedding. During the photo shoot I took the liberty of taking a picture of the man behind the scene. I don't think we actually selected that particular photograph. But look at his effort to get the best shot. Thanks Eddie!

About the advertisement, red gardenia is in next edition of Her World Brides Indonesia! Mind you it's my first marketing ad. It's not perfect but close?

Buy the magazine and I guess you'd be the judge.

Take care for now.

1 comment:

  1. siiiip....

    udah keren ni :) both... web and blog nya :)
